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Elevate Your Success: How to Dress for the Workplace
Giselle Vega-Martinez Giselle Vega-Martinez

Elevate Your Success: How to Dress for the Workplace

Transitioning from college to the professional world can be exciting and challenging. One of the biggest adjustments is figuring out how to dress for your new environment. Whether you're heading to a corporate office, a creative startup, or a casual workplace, understanding the different dress codes is crucial. Here's a breakdown of four common dress codes you'll encounter: Business Professional, Business Casual, Business Smart, and Casual.

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Promise Scholar-Reginald Phason
Giselle Vega-Martinez Giselle Vega-Martinez

Promise Scholar-Reginald Phason

Meet Reginald Phason, a senior at Western Michigan University, currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in supply chain management. As an entrepreneur, Reginald has always been intrigued by the business world and decided that expanding his knowledge on business growth and efficiency was essential to continue his entrepreneurial journey.

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Elevate Your Success: How to Negotiate Salary
Giselle Vega-Martinez Giselle Vega-Martinez

Elevate Your Success: How to Negotiate Salary

Congratulations on landing your full-time job! You are in, and you've shown that you are the person they need for their company. Now, you're facing another crucial step: negotiating your salary. Negotiation can seem daunting, especially when it's your first time, and you might need someone in your immediate circle to guide you. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you confidently negotiate your salary and set a strong foundation for your career.

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Elevate Your Success: Preparing for a Job Interview
Giselle Vega-Martinez Giselle Vega-Martinez

Elevate Your Success: Preparing for a Job Interview

Navigating the job market can be a scary experience, especially for young professionals transitioning from school to full-time roles. One of the most critical steps in this journey is facing the job interview. Preparation is key, and this guide will walk you through three essential areas: researching the company, dressing appropriately, and mastering the STAR method for answering interview questions.

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Elevate Your Success: Crafting the Perfect Elevator Pitch
Giselle Vega-Martinez Giselle Vega-Martinez

Elevate Your Success: Crafting the Perfect Elevator Pitch

Firstly, what is an elevator pitch? Picture yourself stepping into an elevator with your dream employer, a potential mentor, or a future collaborator. In the brief span of that elevator ride, you have the opportunity to make a memorable impression and sell yourself, your ideas, or your aspirations clearly—that's the essence of an elevator pitch.

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