Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some common questions we receive regarding The Kalamazoo Promise Scholarship. If you don't find what you're looking for here, please reach out to our team.
How long will the Kalamazoo Promise be available?
The Kalamazoo Promise is set up to go on in perpetuity — forever.
How is enrollment calculated if the students leaves the Kalamazoo Public School system and then later returns?
It is calculated from the date of most recent enrollment in a full academic year.
If graduate school enrollment starts prior to the end of the 10-year deadline, is it covered by the Kalamazoo Promise?
No, The Kalamazoo Promise does not cover graduate school programs.
Are private colleges covered?
Private colleges in the Michigan Colleges Alliance (MCA) are available to KPS students who graduated in spring 2015 and beyond. For a list of eligible private colleges, see the Career Pathways page.
How does The Kalamazoo Promise award work with Michigan Colleges Alliance (MCA) institutions?
The Kalamazoo Promise will be awarded at MCA institutions at the same percentage as other Promise institutions based on the average tuition and fees for the College of Literature, Science and Arts at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Each MCA institution will match — through institutional grants and other non-loan sources — the tuition and fee cost differential between its annually published tuition and fees, and this rate.
How long do students have to use the Kalamazoo Promise?
This scholarship program provides up to four (4) years of tuition and mandatory fees for post-secondary education. Students must be enrolled full-time, taking at least 12 credit hours per semester.
Four years shall be defined as the receipt of a bachelor's degree, or 145 credit hours towards a degree—whichever comes first.
The post-secondary education must be completed within 10 years of the date of high school graduation. Exceptions to this requirement are granted for military service.
Is there an appeal process?
An appeal process has been developed and implemented. However, appeals are for exceptional circumstances. All appeals must start by contacting The Kalamazoo Promise. High school seniors should contact their Promise Pathway Coach with any appeals.
How will the funds be dispersed?
Funds will be paid directly to the educational institution every semester, so long as the student maintains eligibility.
Why is the benefit graduated on a sliding scale?
The Promise is designed to provide maximum benefit to long-term attendees of Kalamazoo Public Schools. A major desired outcome of the program is to encourage families to make early decisions to enroll their students in KPS, and to maintain that enrollment through graduation.
Will students who attend KPS and transfer out of the system prior to graduation be eligible?
No, The Promise is available only to students who graduate from KPS.
How will this award work with other post-secondary financial aid opportunities?
This scholarship program provides up to four (4) years of tuition and mandatory fees for post-secondary education. Schools are allowed and encouraged to apply The Kalamazoo Promise as the 1st dollars of financial aid. This should ensure that students receive the maximum amount of free financial aid.
If The Promise is not needed due to other academic scholarships, can the award be applied to room and board fees?
Does The Promise have to be used immediately following graduation?
No. Eligibility ends ten years from high school graduation.
Are application fees covered?
No. However, many institutions will waive the application fee if it is requested due to financial hardship. There are also organizations in the Kalamazoo community that are setting up funds to assist students who are unable to pay these fees.
Are the deposits required to secure enrollment at a college, university or trade program, covered by The Promise?
If a deposit is required, it is the student’s responsibility to cover the deposit.
Are study abroad programs covered?
Study abroad is covered only if the program is administered by the Michigan college or university the student is attending. The only costs that are covered are the normal tuition costs for the credits taken abroad. No extra tuition or expenses are covered.
How is the Kalamazoo Promise funded?
The Kalamazoo Promise is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation funded entirely by a small group of anonymous donors.
Why offer this program to the graduates of Kalamazoo Public Schools?
For the following reasons:
1. Education is an important key to financial well being
2. It allows KPS to differentiate itself from other public and private school systems
3. It provides a real meaningful and tangible opportunity for all students
4. Kalamazoo is worth the investment
What’s the application process like?
Students will apply for The Promise during their senior year of high school.
Applications are available on this site, as well as from each high school guidance office or the Kalamazoo Promise’s office.
Are vocational schools eligible?
All certification or degree programs in the trades at state supported community colleges are qualified for The Promise. Private apprentice programs, however, are not eligible.
Are there requirements that must be met to maintain eligibility throughout college, university or a trade program?
Yes. Applicants must demonstrate, after the first semester and all following semesters, the following:
a. Regular progress toward a degree or certification as defined by Satisfactory Academic Standards of the school.
b. Maintenance of a 2.0 grade point average at the post-secondary institution.
c. Be enrolled as a full time student, typically 12 or more credit hours a semester.
Will students living in a neighboring district and applying to KPS under the Schools of Choice Agreement be eligible for this award?
Are summer school classes covered by The Promise?
Individual summer school classes will be covered as long as the class applies toward the degree or certificate program in which the student is enrolled and is taken at their designated school of choice.
A student may also request permission to take summer classes at Western Michigan University or Kalamazoo Valley Community College if these are not their normal school of choice. However, a special permission form must be completed and approved in order to take summer classes at these schools.
Who are the donors?
A small group of generous people who believe in you and whatever path you want to pursue.

Have a Different Question?
Where can I go?
The colleges, universities and trade schools where The Promise scholarship is eligible include:
• Adrian College*
• Albion College*
• Alma College*
• Alpena Community College
• Andrews University*
• Aquinas College*
• Bay de Noc Community College
• Calvin College*
• Central Michigan University
• Delta College
• Eastern Michigan University
• Ferris State University
• Glen Oaks Community College
• Gogebic Community College
• Grand Rapids Community College
• Grand Valley State University
• Great Lakes Maritime College —Division of Northwestern Michigan College
• Henry Ford Community College
• Hillsdale College*
• Hope College*
• Jackson Community College
• Kalamazoo College*
• Kalamazoo Electrical JATC*
• Kalamazoo Valley Community College
• Kellogg Community College
• Kendall College of Art & Design of Ferris State University
• Kirtland Community College
• Lake Michigan College
• Lake Superior State University
• Lansing Community College
• Macomb Community College
• Madonna University*
• Marygrove College*
• Michigan Career and Technical Institute
• Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and Milwright
• Michigan State University
• Michigan Technological University
• Mid Michigan Community College
• Monroe County Community College
• Montcalm Community College
• Mott Community College
• Muskegon Community College
• North Central Michigan College
• Northern Michigan University
• Northwestern Michigan College
• Oakland Community College
• Oakland University
• Olivet College*
• Saginaw Valley State University
• Schoolcraft College
• Southwestern Michigan College
• St. Clair County Community College
• Siena Heights University*
• Spring Arbor University*
• University of Detroit Mercy*
• University of Michigan
• University of Michigan Dearborn
• University of Michigan Flint
• Washtenaw Community College
• Wayne County Community College
• Wayne State University
• West Shore Community College
• Western Michigan University
* Contact your Pathway Coach for more information on how your scholarship will apply at these schools.