1. Register Your Online Account
Every student who receives The Kalamazoo Promise has an online account. This account provides students with all the information concerning their scholarship including payments made, credits paid and earned, grades by semester, and more.
2. Complete Your Application & Start Survey
This is a two page form that is filled out as early as possible during the fall of the student’s senior year. The application is used to make sure that the student and The Kalamazoo Promise are in agreement on the eligibility percentage for the scholarship. The Start Survey is used to explore your educational & career interests so we can best serve you. Both can be completed by signing into the student portal below.
3. Complete Your Scholarship Acceptance Form (SAF)
You’ve been accepted to your school of choice. Congratulations! The SAF will ensure that we are connected to your to student account so all scholarship payments can be distributed and you can focus on what matters most: you.
This form is usually filled out in the spring or summer of the student’s senior year as soon as you’ve been accepted to your school of choice. The SAF can be completed by signing into your student account below