Promise Scholar- Samantha Vande Pol

Author: Giselle Martinez

Meet Samantha Vande Pol, a driven student at Kalamazoo College, majoring in biochemistry and Gender and Sexuality Studies. She is passionate about empowering women through healthcare and aims to break down myths and barriers surrounding women's health.

Her interest in women's studies began in high school, inspired by a remarkable sociology teacher at Loy Norrix High School. Samantha shared, "My sociology teacher was incredible. She always wanted to teach a women's studies course and made it happen. By my senior year, I was taking her class, and it wowed me." Although she had always planned to major in biochemistry, in her first year at Kalamazoo College, she deepened her interest in women's studies, leading her to pursue a major in the field.

Samantha quickly became an active student at Kalamazoo College. She joined SPEAK (Sexual Peer Educator Alliance at Kalamazoo College) for the month of April, which is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). There, she helped organize events, one of them being coordinating with a counseling center that provides resources to students who have been sexually assaulted. Additionally, she serves as the secretary for a physician club. Vande Pol also became a diver on the Kalamazoo College swim team. Reflecting on her involvement, she said, "These experiences helped me overcome imposter syndrome. Connecting with professors and engaging in campus life has been the most rewarding part of my time at Kalamazoo College."

Her college journey also included a transformative four-month study abroad program in Greece. Having never left the country before, Samantha embraced the opportunity despite initial nerves. "Traveling abroad changed me," she explained. "I learned a new language, made new friends, and experienced life away from my family for the first time."

Balancing her academic and extracurricular activities has its challenges. The fast-paced ten-week terms at Kalamazoo College can be demanding, contributing to a competitive atmosphere. Samantha strives to maintain a healthy lifestyle, balancing her roles as a student, daughter, friend, and roommate. Vande Pol ran to cope with her busy life, which helped relieve her stress and gave her some 'me' time.

Vande Pol mentioned her mentor and how she has helped her feel more confident in her writing skills. Vande Pol states, "Dr. Einspar has advised me, and she's so encouraging. She is a great support system for me, especially since I am in a STEM and a Women's Gender Studies major."

Samantha is deeply grateful for the opportunities provided by The Kalamazoo Promise scholarship. She acknowledges that attending Kalamazoo College—a prestigious and costly private institution—would not have been possible without it.

Vande Pol is currently in the Higher Promise program for the summer, where she will be working at Bronson in their phlebotomy lab. Samantha also wants to continue her education and attend a physician's assistant (PA) school. She wants to become a PA to an obstetrician (OB), focusing primarily on women's health and pregnancies. Vande Pol's goal is to educate women on their health.

When asked for advice, Vande Pol states, "Take classes outside your major; you never know what other passions you might discover. By stepping out of the classes I was primarily taking at the beginning, I rediscovered a passion and it has given me a different approach on how I have conversations with people and interact with them. It has also given me a wider range of connections and resources."


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