Promise Scholar-Reginald Phason

Author: Giselle Martinez

Meet Reginald Phason, a senior at Western Michigan University, currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in supply chain management. As an entrepreneur, Reginald has always been intrigued by the business world and decided that expanding his knowledge on business growth and efficiency was essential to continue his entrepreneurial journey.

 Upon starting his college journey, he knew he wanted to pursue a career in business, specifically in Supply Chain Management, a field he was already familiar with. He described supply chain management as “the process of doing things better, faster, and more efficiently.”

 Currently, he is an active member of the Supply Chain Management Association, a student organization at Haworth College. This organization helps students increase their knowledge of supply chain-related industries, offers experiential learning opportunities, promotes professionalism in supply chain management, and strengthens networks among SCMA members, corporations, alumni, and the community.

 Attending Western Michigan University has been life-changing for Phason. He appreciates the access to information and connections he has gained, which he believes he would not have had without pursuing higher education. He also values the support and dedication of his professors, who go the extra mile to ensure he is not confused and feels supported. Phason stated that his time at Western has made him feel successful and confident as he prepares to enter the workforce.

 Since Phason began attending Western, "adulting" has been one of his biggest obstacles. Although he wished he could be more active in Western's student life, he has had to work to support himself. Despite all of this, Phason has maintained a positive mindset, knowing that it will all be worth it once he gets his degree.

 Currently, Phason has an internship with Higher Promise at Stryker, where he works alongside Adam Lagoni and Kristen Bland. He is learning how to make production processes more efficient.

 Phason is set to graduate in the winter of 2024. He hopes to turn his internship into a full-time position. When asked for advice, he said, “My advice would be to take advantage of all the opportunities in front of you. Stepping outside my comfort zone to say yes to different things has proven to be incredibly valuable in my personal and professional growth.”



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