Higher Promise Feature- Natalie Gross

Natalie Gross spent the summer of 2022 as an IT Intern at CSM Group.


Kalamazoo College


Computer Science/French

Graduation Date:

Summer 2024

Higher Promise Internship:

IT Intern at CSM Group

What are your career goals?

I want to find a company that makes me happy with the work that I am doing. I want to enjoy the culture of the company and coming into work each day.

How confident are you that your Higher Promise Internship will help you reach these goals?

I believe that my Higher Promise internship has really shown me a path to my career. I have really grown in what I am looking for with the support that a company can give and the way that the dynamic works between the employer and the employee.

What has been your favorite part of the internship?

I have weekly meetings with my supervisor to make sure that everything that I am doing is hitting what I want to learn about. My company also has their own internship program that has some development sessions and opportunities to grow professionally and interact with the other interns.

Would you recommend Higher Promise to other Promise Scholars? If so, why?

I would recommend other Promise Scholars to use Higher Promise as one of their resources. The chance to experience an internship in my field has really shown me how I would like to continue professionally post-graduation. The professional development has given me a space to grow with the support of knowledgeable professionals.

Interested in being a part of the next Higher Promise Cohort?


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