Higher Promise Feature- Carloz Green

Carloz Green spent the summer of 2022 as a Intern at Miller-Davis Company.


Western Michigan University


University Studies

Expected Graduation Date:

Spring 2023

Higher Promise Internship:

Intern at Miller-Davis Company

What are your career goals?

My career goals are not cemented at the moment. Focusing on finishing undergrad is my top priority.

How confident are you that your Higher Promise Internship will help you reach these goals?

With Higher Promise providing me my first internship, I feel this is a good resume booster. This opportunity has provided growth to me in general which will help me in the long-run.

What has been your favorite part of the internship?

Finding out that the company I’m interning at played a pivotal role in the building of both Sangren Hall and Western Heights on WMU’s campus was very interesting to me.

Would you recommend Higher Promise to other Promise Scholars? If so, why?

Higher Promise gave me an opportunity in which I’ve never been presented with by providing me my first ever internship. I am very grateful to have be selected for such an offer and this has definitely proved beneficial to my undergraduate career.

Interested in being a part of the next Higher Promise Cohort?


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