Financial Aid Resources
Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
We highly encourage you to fill out a FAFSA application every year you will be attending a post-secondary institution. Below are just a few reasons why!
5 Reasons You Should Fill Out The FAFSA
1. It’s Free
The FAFSA doesn’t cost anything to complete.
2. It’s Easy
The application has been majorly simplified over the past few years- and there are helpful pointers throughout it.
3. It’s Fast
It takes most students just 23 minutes to complete the FAFSA: less time than it would take to watch your favorite show.
4. It May Be Required
Although not required to receive The Promise, many states, schools, and private scholarships require you to submit the FAFSA before they’ll consider you for any financial aid.
5. You Probably Qualify
More people qualify for federal student aid than you think- chances are, you’re probably leaving money on the table by not applying.
Michigan Achievement Scholarship
Students who graduate from high school in Michigan with a diploma or certificate of completion or achieved a high school equivalency certificate in 2023 or after will be eligible for more financial aid from the State of Michigan:
Up to $2,000 if they attend an eligible private training provider in Michigan, per year, up to two years
Up to $2,750 if they attend a Michigan community college, per year, up to three years
Up to $4,000 if they attend a Michigan private college or university, per year, up to five years
Up to $5,500 if they attend a Michigan public university, per year, up to five years
Check for Scholarships Your School Offers
When accepted into your school of choice, be sure to explore the various scholarships that they offer to students. For example, below are links to scholarship resources at KVCC, WMU, Kalamazoo College.
Additional Financial Aid Resources
Kalamazoo Community Foundation (KZCF)
You can apply to many local scholarships through the Kalamazoo Community Foundation. Their one-stop-shop application will automatically apply you to all scholarships you’re eligible for!
Tuition Incentive Program (TIP)
The Tuition Incentive Program (TIP) is a scholarship program through the state of Michigan that many Promise scholars are eligible for.
MI Scholarship Search Self-Service Tool
A scholarship database from the State of Michigan, broken down by county.
ECHO Scholarship
The Michigan Equity, Courage, Hope, and Opportunity (MI ECHO) Scholarship allows people living in Michigan to access associate's degree and certificate programs. The scholarship covers tuition, contact hours, and other mandatory fees.