Kalamazoo Promise Launches Third Annual Regional Business Challenge to Hire College Promise Interns
Contact: Von Washington, Jr., Executive Director of Community Relations- info@kalamazoopromise.com | 269.337.0037
{KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN, Oct. 9} - The Kalamazoo Promise is excited to launch registration for Higher Promise 2024, an initiative challenging regional business partners to hire post-secondary Promise Scholars for paid summer internships.
2023 Higher Promise Cohort 1
“Research indicates that quality immersive internships in post-secondary fields of study are essential to positive outcomes after graduation. Higher Promise is taking that experience to the next level by partnering with regional employers that care deeply about diversity, equity, and inclusion. The second year of Higher Promise was a successful community opportunity, and we look forward to the impact this third year will have on this year’s scholars,” said Von Washington, Jr., Executive Director of Community Relations for The Kalamazoo Promise.
In the second year of Higher Promise, 75 Scholars were placed in internships. In the summer of 2024, The Promise is challenging the business community to hire another 75 Promise Scholars into internships aligned with their fields of study.
The Promise facilitates matching between internship seekers and companies, aligning student majors and interests with the needs of employers. According to Sarah Klerk, Senior Director of Organizational Strategy and Workforce Innovation, "The Promise does this to ensure Promise Scholars, especially populations with unequal access to high wage careers, have access to paid internships that align with their majors, so they are positioned to obtain a well-paying job in their chosen career field after college."
“An initiative like Higher Promise is important to the community because it helps connect organizations to students they wouldn’t typically get connected with. When we have access to students from the greatest population, I believe, in Kalamazoo, it helps us have the best talent to retain and grow and prosper in the community that we love,” said Shawn Premer, Chief Human Resources Officer at Consumers Credit Union.
The business community is recognizing the benefits of Higher Promise. “Leveraging a program like Higher Promise gives us an opportunity to bring in diverse talent, with diversified backgrounds, and use the lived experience of our interns and employees to help drive the future state of our culture at Stryker,” said Demecia LaBarre, Program Manager of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at Stryker.
2023 Higher Promise Cohort 2
In addition to their internships, Scholars participate in a Professional Development course centered around personal and workplace navigation, assisting Scholars with the skills necessary to succeed not only in their internship, but in their respective career fields.
Some notable area businesses have already taken the pledge to hire Promise Scholars for summer 2024. “Many of these young men and women come with a level of energy, considerable skills, insight, and experiences that we really need at Bronson,” said Bill Manns, President & CEO of Bronson Healthcare.
Stryker, Consumers Credit Union, Bronson Healthcare, Kalamazoo Valley Community College, and Southwest Michigan First plan to participate in Higher Promise 2024, and local business partners are challenging other companies to participate in the program next summer.
“In order for our companies to be successful, they need access to the next generation of talented workers. That’s what Higher Promise is all about; connecting Promise Scholars with incredible companies, amazing job experience, and putting them on a path to success,” said Jonas Peterson, CEO of Southwest Michigan First.
Higher Promise 2024 will be offered to Promise Scholars enrolled in any qualifying post-secondary institution.
Higher Promise’s purpose is to support opportunity, equity, and ensure that pathways to careers in Kalamazoo are accessible to all Promise Scholars, especially populations with unequal access to high-wage careers.
For more information about Higher Promise, please visit www.kalamazoopromise.com/higher-promise.