Applying to College Choosing Where Your Path Takes You Know Your Options Be sure to check which institutions are Promise Eligible below. Promise Eligible Schools Submit Your High School Transcripts KPS students use to submit their high school transcripts when applying to college. Submit Your High School Transcripts Support Writing College Essays Your English teacher is a great resource for help with your college essay. Read and Write Kalamazoo (RAWK) also holds workshops and provides support to students for their college essays. Visit RAWK Exploring Colleges on You can look at different colleges and compare different statistics. Be sure to remember that not all schools on this site are Promise Eligible. Explore Other Colleges Michigan College Access Network- College Advising Hotline Get help with college admissions applications, navigating financial aid, comparing financial aid offers, and more! Learn More Looking for something else? Contact Contact Us Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone Country (###) ### #### Message *